Thanks to all of you that responded.

As always seems to happen I went back to Legacy and lo and behold the
mapping worked fine?!?!

Don't ask me why - I did nothing different to what I had been doing, I can
only think it is as Ron suggested and that it can be a 'bit hit & miss'.

Still I'm happy, thanks again.

2009/7/15 Art Seddon <>

> Hi Paul,
> I have IE8 and the mapping works just fine.
> I also have latest update of Legacy and XP.
> Art Seddon
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Paul Rogers
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 2:35 AM
> Subject: [LegacyUG] Legacy Mapping & IE8
> X-SpamScore:   0tests=
> Envelope-To:
> Does anyone know when the Legacy 7 mapping will be updated to work
> with Internet Explorer v8?
> I 'foolishly' updated recently to IE8 and it wasn't until I started
> using Legacy that I realised the mapping no longer worked.
> I looked on the Legacy website and saw there a method to revert back
> to IE7, although the links are no longer correct as they point you to
> an IE8 download file.
> I've no doubt that I can find IE7 elsewhere to download but thought
> that if an upgrade to Legacy 7  was imminent then it would be
> pointless to revert to IE7.
> Any news anyone?
> Paul
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