At some point we need to post/share our data in a way that our relatives can
find it - decades from now.

What options are there?
1. Give them a printed report of the family history. Effective but instantly
gives them the data as of that day & only for one part of the family.
2. Give them a CD-ROM with our "latest" data. - Only effective for 2-3 years
and only if they have the genealogy software to upload it to.
3. Use Ancestry? Yes - I have subscribed since the beginning. But - I don't
expect my relatives to pay $155/year (or more) to keep up with it. Yes - I
want my data open to everyone. That is - all of my data from 1900 and back.
4. I have been trying out the "new" FamilySearch - the linked family trees
there are fantastic and best part - it is all free. So - the kids, grandkids
- cousins that have zero interest now in genealogy - can find my data -
decades from now - with the latest info as current as the last time I
updated a record. I can put in every citation and everyone can see it
anytime. What they can't see are the "living" relatives AND I never enter
anyone from 1900 to the present. The terrific feature is that this site will
"sync" with Legacy (coming soon) etc. So - I can keep a copy of the family
tree from 1900 to the present on my laptop using Legacy & it will
automatically sync up with the family tree on from 1899 and
back. I now only update the older records on "new" FamilySearch and update
the recent family data on Legacy. I almost died last year - so I see this as
my "permanent" method of keeping and passing on my family tree information.
I understand that this newest FamilySearch feature will be released in early

When I started researching in 1965 - the local genealogical society
encouraged everyone to "preserve" their family tree data on typed charts.
They long ago stopped doing that. I see "FamilySearch" as THE modern
solution for preserving my data - putting it where relatives can find it. I
have well over 80k names now and need a realistic way to "back it all up"
and pass it on. For me - this combination of Legacy and the "new" is it.


On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 10:50 PM, Kramer <> wrote:

> Speaking of putting things on, I was wondering what people's
> thoughts are. I personally don't want my info accessible to everyone in the
> any point in the future.  I just want it available to authentic
> relatives.  There are ways to get the word out and then word offline with
> people.  That's what I've done so far.  However, I would like to her other
> opinions.  I was just elected Family Historian for my mother-in-law's side
> of the family so I know that within the next year a family policy or
> something will come up among those I will be working with. My predecessor
> didn't have a cooperative working relationship in the way that I want to.
> Your thoughts are much appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Ellen
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 11:24 AM, Jenny M Benson wrote:
> Jim Winfrey wrote
>>> My question is once you put your data on ancestry, do you do your
>>> research there or do you continue with Legacy?  I'm more comfortable with
>>> Legacy but it means when I find something, I have to enter it in Legacy and
>>> again in ancestry.  How do other do this?
>> Well for a start I "do my research" all over the place using Ancestry,
>> numerous other websites and all sorts places and people and use Legacy to
>> record my findings!  I will always do that.
>> It's been a while since I uploaded anything to Ancestry (1), but I will
>> get around to uploading more regularly one day.  What I *won't* do is upload
>> everything in my file (definitely not pictures and probably not Events,
>> definitely not Research Notes) and nor will I change anything from within
>> Ancestry.  Basically, I will have a "tree" on Ancestry and from time to time
>> I will exchange it for a newer one as I have added a few more names.
>> (1) For "Ancestry" you could substitute "Genes Reunited" or any other
>> similar site.
>> --
>> Jenny M Benson
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