I like being able to choose the size & font type that I prefer. I also like being able to make Legacy fit only 1/2 of the screen & still be legible while I look @ digitized records on the other 1/2 of the screen.


Arnold Sprague wrote:
The original intent of this good post has been hijacked. I would like to get back to what Kirsten Bowman wanted for this thread, so have renamed it from "Favorite Features" to "Favorite Features - #2."

As Kirsten asked, please share with new Legacy users the features and shortcuts of Legacy you find most helpful.

Arnold Sprague

At 03:25 PM 10/19/2009, you wrote:
Mary's "Lost" post reminded me of how many great tips and shortcuts I picked up from the LUG when I first started using Legacy. Unfortunately new users
sometimes don't even know the question to ask in order to find some of
these, and LUG discussions lately seem to be far from basic. My personal favorite is the Source Clipboard, and anyone who isn't using it should drop
everything and read Legacy's Help > Index > Clipboard > Source.

Would others like to mention their favorite feature or shortcut?


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