Virginia Dunham wrote
>Another alternative approach would be to assemble a series of "screen
>shots"...I have done this for other reference could take
>screen shots of a filled out source (I save mine as a PDF file)...and
>create a folder with the series of screen shots showing you "what is
>info is required where".

This is excellent advice!  I keep screen shots of several Source
Citations because I found it difficult to remember exactly what format
or order I had used for text in field.

For example, in Credit Line for a Scottish Census citation I enter
something like "parish 6464/3, ED 21, page 31" but I need to remember
that what I enter is those 3 pieces of information; where I use
capitals, where lower case; where I use an abbreviation.

Another example is where the SW template doesn't exactly meet
requirements, such as differences in the references for a GRO Death
Index in fairly recent years.  I keep a screen shot of an Override I
have used so I can be consistent with this type of Citation.
Jenny M Benson

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