I agree in concept but IMHO if the team had been able to create the conversion 
tool ( not complaining, just commenting) most of us would have used it to 
switch all over. My almost 2000 sourceswill wait. I feel that all Newbies (and 
others) should use only one style. If you ever plan on publishing (books, net, 
etc.) it would be better to stay always in SW. If not you will be in the boat 
with us veterens, needing to convert anyway at publishing time.
Rich in LA CA


----- Original Message ----
From: Mike Fry <mike...@iafrica.com>
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Sent: Thu, January 7, 2010 1:45:58 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Basic Format?

RICHARD SCHULTHIES said the following on 2010/01/07 11:18:

> Basic Format is the old sourcing tool, which many of us still use. When
> creating your next source, do some exploring to compare both. Go to Master
> Source List, on the right side are a couple check boxes. Choose either
> Source Writer or Basic System for comparison purposes. When choosing Basic,
> first you must pick BS, then go to add, the computer asks do you really
> want to do this.  Say yes to see what is there. You can delete it all
> afterwards. The short names for these 2 are SW and Basic.

What would be nice - and I don't think anyone has come up with the idea - is a
single window for entering sources of either type.

The window would be split into four panes: on the left, Basic; on the right
SourceWriter; at the bottom; a Preview for each of Basic or SourceWriter. The
user would be able to enter the Master Source information in either the Basic
or the SourceWriter pane, with the potential results shown in the relevant
Preview pane. Whichever one produces the most appropriate results (to the
user) would be selected by the pressing of an appropriate button.

I think this would encourage more experimentation with the myriad options that
are available within SourceWriter. Also, it would greatly assist in the
migration from Basic to SourceWriter.

Mike Fry

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