Jenny M Benson wrote:
> Alan Jones wrote
>> I have realized that as I capture more and more sources
>> electronically that I don't have a good naming scheme or file folder
>> organization system to find the files later.  I may have an image of
>> source document that has information on several people or I may 5 or
>> 6 source documents for 1 person.
> I have folders named with a generic title, such as Certificates or
> Newspaper Articles or Census Images.  Within them I have sub-folders
> such as Birth Certificates, Marriage Certificates etc.
> Most file names begin with an abbreviation based on the type of
> document and include the name(s) of the people concerned (unless
> there are too many to name them all and the RIN(s), so BC - Bloggs,
> Joe 123.jpg for his Birth Certificate and MC - Bloggs, Joe 123 =
> Adams, Fanny 987.jpg for their Marriage Certificate.
> Newspaper articles, filed in sub-folders named for the newspaper
> concerned, comprise the subject's name and RIN, the name of the
> newspaper and the issue date.
> I should mention that I did not take into account any possibility of
> publishing to web pages when I named my files.  If you might be going
> to do this I believe you should avoid spaces and capital letters in
> your filenames.


And commas. In fact best only to have underscores and hyphens if webpage
usage may be a present or future possibility. Avoiding capital letters is
not too important, providing that one remembers that Windows regards a
capital and lower case letter as being the same - but this applies whether
or not webpage use is intended.

Ron Ferguson

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