Try this.  Open the Locations table.  Find one with "V" in column L.  Now tell 
us please how you can change that indicator to "L".

Next find a location with "L" and allow Virtual Earth to geo-code it.  What do 
you see?  If you see the "L" still showing, how did you do it.  Don't tell me 
how you think it works, but actually try what I am describing and then respond.

I have no motivation whatsoever of manually opening each of more than  20,000 
locations and putting a check in the box to "not Geo-code" or the "verified" 
box.  This is one of the reasons for using a computer and I did have most of my 
locations found and updated with the GEO database but now all of them have a 
"V" indicator which replaced the "L".  Not one of them was done with my 
decision nor was I notified that this was happening in the locations table.

Ron Taylor

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