I have over 20,000 locations in my locations table.  Most of them used to have 
L in the L column because I had carefully looked each one of them up to get the 
longitude and latitude as well as the correct spelling and punctuation.  Then 
along came the Virtual Earth addition to Legacy with mapping.  Now instead of 
18,000 or more locations with "L" I now have very few L's left.  This was not 
my choice.  The program did this automatically without asking.  Now when I try 
to correct a location that is obviously wrong in Virtual Earth and the table 
shows "V"...after using the GEO database and saving...Legacy still shows V 
instead of L.  If you know a sequence available to the user that can change the 
V to an L without completely deleting the location and re-adding it...I'd be 

Thanks for your comments.  I appreciate your evaluation of this topic.
Ron Taylor

--- On Sun, 9/19/10, Ron Ferguson <ronfergy....@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:

> From: Ron Ferguson <ronfergy....@tiscali.co.uk>
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Places
> To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
> Date: Sunday, September 19, 2010, 11:10 AM
> Ron,
> I have yet to find a location which I have set being
> over-ridden by the
> mapping system. You need to contact Microsoft re the
> pin-positioning
> determined by Virtual Earth.
> Ron Ferguson
> http://www.fergys.co.uk/
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Ron Taylor" <doit4...@yahoo.com>
> Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 5:21 PM
> To: <LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com>
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Places
> > This "mapping" problem needs to be addressed (pun
> intended).  I have found
> > many locations that are found with Virtual Earth to be
> inaccurate.  Your
> > example of a town out-to-sea is a good one.  I am
> especially troubled when
> > a location that has been accurately determined by a
> call to the GEO
> > database is allowed to be overwritten by a find on
> Virtual Earth which is
> > different and wrong.  If a location has "L" in
> the L column to indicate
> > that it has been looked-up in the GEO database, then
> when Virtual Earth
> > finds it, there should at least be a question whether
> the L should be
> > changed to a V and the Virtual Earth information
> allowed to replace the
> > GEO database info.  The same logic should
> probably apply when a GEO
> > database lookup wants to overwrite info from Virtual
> Earth.  Even if the
> > user has hand-entered a location's coordinates, that
> info should not be
> > replaced automatically by a Virtual Earth or GEO
> database lookup.
> >
> > It would be very interesting to see a comparison of a
> locations list that
> > is all sync'ed with GEO database versus the same list
> sync'ed with Virtual
> > Earth and compute the difference in distance between
> the same locations.
> >
> > Try doing a GEO database lookup on a location that
> already has V in column
> > L and see if you can get the program to put L in that
> column.
> >
> > Last point on this mapping.  When the program
> does find a location and
> > identifies it on the map with a balloon...the point of
> the balloon should
> > indicate the coordinates and not the center of the
> balloon.  It would also
> > help to have the balloon be translucent so items it
> covers could be
> > viewed.
> >
> > Ron Taylor
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