
I have yet to find a location which I have set being over-ridden by the
mapping system. You need to contact Microsoft re the pin-positioning
determined by Virtual Earth.

Ron Ferguson
From: "Ron Taylor" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 5:21 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Places

> This "mapping" problem needs to be addressed (pun intended).  I have found
> many locations that are found with Virtual Earth to be inaccurate.  Your
> example of a town out-to-sea is a good one.  I am especially troubled when
> a location that has been accurately determined by a call to the GEO
> database is allowed to be overwritten by a find on Virtual Earth which is
> different and wrong.  If a location has "L" in the L column to indicate
> that it has been looked-up in the GEO database, then when Virtual Earth
> finds it, there should at least be a question whether the L should be
> changed to a V and the Virtual Earth information allowed to replace the
> GEO database info.  The same logic should probably apply when a GEO
> database lookup wants to overwrite info from Virtual Earth.  Even if the
> user has hand-entered a location's coordinates, that info should not be
> replaced automatically by a Virtual Earth or GEO database lookup.
> It would be very interesting to see a comparison of a locations list that
> is all sync'ed with GEO database versus the same list sync'ed with Virtual
> Earth and compute the difference in distance between the same locations.
> Try doing a GEO database lookup on a location that already has V in column
> L and see if you can get the program to put L in that column.
> Last point on this mapping.  When the program does find a location and
> identifies it on the map with a balloon...the point of the balloon should
> indicate the coordinates and not the center of the balloon.  It would also
> help to have the balloon be translucent so items it covers could be
> viewed.
> Ron Taylor

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