On 10/01/2011 17:21, Ron Ferguson wrote:
> As I understand Kirsten's
> problem, she is saying that the source number for the individuals' names are
> the same, whilst those for the marriage is different. This only my
> interpretation though; Kirsten says that the source citation appears twice,
> for the name and marriage details, and as far as I can see this can only
> happen if they have different reference numbers.

Kirsten, is this happening with everybody, or just one couple?

If the latter, my guess would be that some (possibly tiny) difference in
the details has somehow crept in, even though I think you used the
clipboard to copy and paste the citation.  I would try doing the C&P
from one instance to the other 2 again.

If it's happening for lots of couples ... I'm stumped!

Jenny M Benson

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