My family is like yours, Kay. However, I always check with people I don't
know whether they are willing to have their name only included on my
website. Most have no problem with this although a very few (150 or so out
of 7000approx) prefer to remain private.

Ron Ferguson

-----Original Message-----
From: Kay Fordham
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 6:33 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] GEDCOM preview results

Well, my family is obviously a little different. They want to see themselves
included in the family of which they are a part.  The generations have
become disconnected throughout the years, and people are interested in
learning not only about their forbearers - they want to hear about their
contemporaries, most of whom they are not even aware of until seeing them in
print.  This has prompted communication amongst the younger generations and
they are loving it. Many of them have old family photos to share that were
previously unknown. I'm the family historian and receive updates of
marriages, births, deaths, and so on from members who are anxious to have
these events included "in the family tree." It is "our" family tree" and it
is not up to me to decide unilaterally not to include certain individuals -
it is their call. That said, I do not publish my tree online - it only goes
to family members. On the other hand, our individuals are listed by name,
address, and telephone number in directories; their births and marriages are
reported in newspapers in great detail - what's to hide?

To each his/her own.


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] GEDCOM preview results

I use Legacy to suppress living information.    Most people are interested
in people from long ago anyways.  Finding out who people are related to
today usually only requires and phone call or two which anyone can do.  Even
though the 1930 census is public, I still won't publish it unless the person
is deceased.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kay Fordham
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2011 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] GEDCOM preview results

I don't know what Ancestry does regarding living people, but all people are
not alike when it comes to privacy. When I first distributed my tree I set
all living people to private and got a howl of protest from them. They
wanted to see themselves listed along with everyone else. Now, when I add
new living people I also ask about their preference. Haven't had one yet
that wants to be shown as "living so and so."


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