Hi again.  I'm sure there is someone on the list that can tell you
specifically how to tag the ones you want in an "automated" fashion by
using the FIND features or by viewing the trees.  I'm thinking that you
might have to make more than one pass through the database to do want
you want, but it just sounds "doable."  Maybe someone in support will be
able to help you out.

Jerry - MerriamFamilyTree.org

On 8/22/2011 1:21 AM, Lucy McDonald Shore wrote:
> That's a very logical way to do it -- except that my database has 43,000
> people! It would take quite a while to tag each and every individual I
> want :-) You would think that, in this day and age, there would be an
> easier way!
> On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 8:43 PM, Jerry <jerrysemailgro...@gmail.com
> <mailto:jerrysemailgro...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     There are many Legacy users on this list with more experience than I
>     have, but could you TAG the persons you want in your cousin's genealogy
>     file and then transfer only the TAGGED persons into a new file, so you
>     will only be working with and displaying those persons?
>     Jerry - MerriamFamilyTree.org
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