
I understand that previously you had your family tree on Ancestry's website
and that you found it easy to add then censuses from Ancestry's census data
to the individuals concerned. In which case you did not have your tree
stored on your own PC and its use, and Ancestry's control of it, was
entirely subject to Ancestry's terms and conditions. I have a tree on
Ancestry, old, out dated, and containing some errors which I can no longer
update as I have ceased my Ancestry registration in favour of Findmypast
which (at the moment) has a database which I need.

As I am someone who has always used Legacy as my main database, although I
have used other products as well, I have no problem in adding the census
details to Legacy, although I accept it does take time. I probably do not
use the system which Geoff recommends in his webinar, but I do recommend
that you view it as I have seen excellent reports of it, and am sure that
you will learn much from it. I would imagine that it will cover the use of
the Source and Event clipboards which can speed up the transfer of data. One
thing which I do recommend is that you attach a copy of the census to all
relevant Events so that you have the image in Legacy, thus avoiding the need
to go onto Ancestry if you wish to check something. You only need to store
the one image and to enable multiple use of it Legacy records the path - so
don't move it :-).

Legacy does have a fairly steep learning curve, and one of its great points
is its flexibility. If you stick with it you will find that just because a
form has a box for some data doesn't mean you have to fill it in, you can
choose how little and how much you wish to record for posterity. Eventually
you will work out your own system. Meanwhile, I suggest that you make
extensive use of the Help files, read the Tips and Tricks on Legacy's
Website and take every opportunity to view relevant webinars and comments on
this list.

Like many aspects of life, there are plusses and minuses when comparing
different ways of working and systems, but as someone who places a high
value on retaining full control over my data and its use I will never have,
as my sole, or main, database one in which a third party lays down terms and
conditions as to its construction and use.

I haven't really answered your question, and as I am from the UK, telephone
is not really an option, but I hope that I have given you some ideas as to
how to can work out a system which works for you. You will always be most
welcome on this list, but will probably find that you get the best response
to specific questions.

Ron Ferguson

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2011 2:25 AM
Subject: [LegacyUG] How to enter census data into my Legacy records.

I started my ancestor quest 10 moths ago with
Even with my poor computer skills it was easy to find 2200+ ancestors.
I'm really hooked! I wanted a better way to keep and print records. I added
Legacy last month. I was disappointed when none of the actual census data
made the transfer to Legacy. Is it there some place I have not discovered? I
thought the census webinar
might tell me how to do it. It might, but there is far too much info on
filling in the blanks with things I don't want to tackle at this point. It
was very simple, even for a dummy like me, to add each census to my records. Is there some simple way to add these records to my
Legacy records, or must I switch back to each time I want to
look at some census year for an ancestor? I have free US/Canada telephone if
some brave soul would like to try to walk me thru it.
Roger Burt
near Charlotte, NC

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