
Are you long name and short name examples correct? I only ask because it is
not the way I do it, not because there is anything particularly wrong with
it - just looks a bit strange to me!

The Help Files are clear that the long name will always be used on the
Information Screens - when you think about it, it has to be so, because that
is where the long name is entered.

Ron Ferguson

-----Original Message-----
From: M. Brenzel
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 9:23 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Showing Short Location Names on Screens

I think that I have found a bug.  Either that or my interpretation of the
effect is incorrect.

Has anyone else set the option for "Short Location Names on Screens" on the
Customize View tab?  It isn't working the way that I thought it would.

As others do, I do not use the "4 field" format for locations.  My locations
contain the full address including names of churches, cemeteries, etc.  Some
users have suggested separating the number portion of a street address from
the street name itself in order to improve sorting by keeping streets
together.  I sort my location list right to left.

For example, I have the following set for 123 Main Street, City, County,
State, Country:

Long name = 123, Main Street, City, County, State, Country
Short name = 123 Main Street, City, County, State, Country

I have done that but I don't like the way that it looks on the Legacy

Family and Chronology views are good.  The short location name is displayed.

Individual's Information and Marriage Information screens show the long name
in the vital info and events/facts sections.

I suspect that I still see the location long names because those screens
allow for the selection of the location so it displays the long names,
whereas the other screens are display only.

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