I agree Ron.  I have twice sent followon messages to my ticket number over the 
past three days asking if it is something they would consider or not, and I am 
getting no response (after the initial response of , "but you should be able to 
do what you want to do" and my explanation that I can't).

I have brought up shared source citations and shared events in the past (I have 
been on here a long time, though I'm not prolific with the messages), but this 
does not seem to go anywhere either.  That is what I would really like to see, 
but in the interim, the ability to link source citations to selected events 
through advanced sourcing would be adequate.  Just trying to ask for a slight 
plus up of existing capability.

In my post, I also asked for an idea on how I could do what I am trying to do 
without so much effort required to click around.  But I seem to be getting the 
same non-reponse to this question as from Millenia.  Crickets.  I guess the 
silence is telling me that no one has figured out a quick way to link a common 
event to mulitple individuals in Legacy, or a quick way to attach a common 
source citation to selected existing events of multiple individuals.  Either 
way, Legacy users have to copy it once to a clipboard and then click around to 
open each individual's edit window one at a time.

The other two of the top three software packages seem to think it is a big 
deal.  Not sure why it does not seem to have any attention or attraction with 

---- Ron Ferguson <ronfergy....@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
> You say "I have put the request in to the developers, but the only response
> I am getting is that they think I should already be able to do it. "
> In which case one would have thought they would have told you how.
> Ron Ferguson
> http://ronfergy....@tiscali.co.uk
> -----Original Message-----
> From: leeir...@cox.net
> Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2011 12:05 AM
> To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Advanced Sourcing to One Selected Event
> Thanks for the response Dennis,
> Millenia seems to have had a demand at some point for the Advanced Sourcing
> capability, otherwise we would not even have it.  Right now, advanced
> sourcing can be done for other individual attributes and note fields.  Quite
> a variety.  It can even be done for events.  But when "Events" is selected,
> it attaches the source citation/detail on the clipboard to all of the events
> currently attached to each selected individual/marriage, which I'm not sure
> why anyone would ever want to do that.  It just seems like Millenia was on
> their way to doing it, but then just didn't finish the development before
> releasing the advanced sourcing capability.  And then they just never got
> back to it.
> I have put the request in to the developers, but the only response I am
> getting is that they think I should already be able to do it.  I notice the
> developers occassionally respond to messages on the user group, so I'm just
> putting it out there to the entire group.
> If this cannot be done and is not planned, does anyone have any ideas on how
> to have fewer clicks and windows to go through to attach the source
> clipboard to an event attached to mulitple individuals (or even the event
> clipboard).  Currently, we have to click around to all of the individuals
> and paste the source individually to events or paste the events
> individually.  This is a very time consuming process.  Family Tree Maker
> 2012 has the ability to attach source citations to selected events from the
> equivalent of their advanced sourcing window.  Roots Masic 5 has the ability
> to share an event (with attached source citations with multiple individuals
> from a single window.  It just seems like everyone else is making this
> easier.  Why wouldn't Millenia?
> ---- "Dennis M. Kowallek" <kowal...@iglou.com> wrote:
> > On Fri, 9 Dec 2011 15:37:34 -0500, <leeir...@cox.net> wrote:
> >
> > >Through Advanced Sourcing, I would like to link the Source
> > >Citation/Detail on my
> > >Source Clipboard to one selected event (identified by the same Event
> > >Type, Date,
> > >Place, and Description) that is common to all individuals or marriages I
> > >have
> > >selected on the "Which Records to Use Tab."  Unfortunately, Advanced
> > >Sourcing
> > >seems to only allow linking the Source Citation/Detail to all events of
> > >all
> > >individuals or marriages I have selected on the "Which Records to Use
> > >Tab."  Is
> > >there something I am missing, or is this something that Legacy just can't
> > >do?
> > >
> > >If Legacy just can;t do this, are there plans to have this capability in
> > >a
> > >future release?
> >
> > Millennia doesn't comment on future enhancements, but yours is the first
> > time I have ever heard of this need. Ergo I doubt if a feature like this
> > would have much, if any, pent up demand. But you can always submit the
> > suggestion to the programmers.
> >
> > --
> >
> > Dennis Kowallek (LTools/Custom Programming)
> > http://zippersoftware.com/ltools/index.htm
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ltools
> >
> > NOTE TO LUG USERS: Use plain text if you want me to read your post.
> >
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