Amen to that Jenny.  
If one can not be bothered with how the programs work...then maybe their best 
tool is a pencil and paper.


 From: Jenny M Benson <>
Sent: Saturday, January 7, 2012 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Help files

but as someone said 'I would rather be
> doing genealogy than learning how to program Legacy.'

I really think that person was taking the wrong approach.  Of course
it's perfectly possible to do genealogy without learning to "program" (I
would prefer to use the word "use" in this context) - people did
genealogy long before computers came on the scene.  But if someone wants
to take advantage of all the benefits of using a computer program they
need to learn how to do so.

It's possible to make lots of journeys by bus, train or on foot, but if
you want the convenience of using your car you have to learn to drive it!

  I will be bored
> silly going through 'just the 6th' video most of which I know or I'm not
> interested in and won't rem anyway; I would need to go through them
> again NEXT TIME I have a question. Don't suppose those videos have an
> index of their content?

  I can't tell you a lot about the videos because I haven't been through
them all myself.  When I first started learning Legacy I used the
Tutorials and referred back to them again several times.

> Too bad there isn't a standard Legacy edition that's complete and ready
> to use for those of us who just want to enter our family files with the
> good features, and then leave the in-the-works edition that can be
> tweaked to suit your multitude of interests for the
> nitty-gritty-look-under-every-leaf folks who are into that.

There are 2 answers to that!  One is that Legacy *does* offer a Standard
edition and a DeLuxe edition with lots more "bells & whistles" for those
that want them.

The other is that Legacy *is* a very fully-featured program, which is
precisely what attracts so many people to it.  Those that want a really
very basic program should look elsewhere.

> This UG seems to be the only place to get answers, but frequently they
> come with the ‘you should have known that’ attitude.

I'm sorry you feel that because I'm sure it is not what any of use
intend to put across.  Those of us who spend a lot of time here offering
help and advise to other users wouldn't be doing it we thought that!
However, I do think that people should "help themselves" to a certain
extent, if only because someone nearly always learns more that way.  It
can also be a bit annoying when a request for help comes across as "I
can't be bothered to work out how to do this, so will someone who has
made the effort tell me what to do" - although I expect that is usually
not what was intended to be implied.

Jenny M Benson

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