On 3/13/2012 8:37 AM, Paul Gray wrote:
> But, did Millennia change anybody's master locations? From what I hear, they 
> changed a system default used when you are adding a new location!
> And, back then did you have any choice between USA and United States, or is 
> it that you who are complaining just liked the old default better?
> To suggest that changing a default used when adding a NEW location is 
> changing your data seems to be overstating the case. A system default is not 
> anyone's data.
> Paul

It does change your database when every new location you enter is
entered in a default that is different from what you are and have been
using.  The point is I should not have to take the extra steps needed to
change every new entry back to the form I prefer to use.

And to answer those who seem to think that if someone doesn't give their
data to a specific organization then they are not sharing, what an
arrogant attitude.  I will choose where I share my data and if it is not
where you want it, too bad.


Gene Young
Researching Young, Harer, Cox & Sallada
With Legacy Family Tree

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