Thanks to all for trying to help with my problem. To recreate my problem, try the following:
1. Create a search list (use the one you are currently using if you don't mind getting out of synch). Make a note of the current person if you are using an existing one, or note the second person on the list if a new one. 2. Open the search list and navigate to someone far away from the current (or first) person. 3. Note this person's name and then Double-click them. 4. Do a find next. If you have my bug, you will get either the second person in the list or the person following the one who was your previous current one. If you don't have my bug, you will get the person following the one you double-clicked. I believe that double-clicking from the search list should reset the pointer but, in my setup, it doesn't. My current search list is over 1000 people and will take me several months to complete. I don't want to have to stop all other work requiring search lists while I'm doing it. I have everyone tagged on tag 1. I can recreate the search list any time I want simply by untagging everyone with a 1911 census source and searching tag1=tagged. However, I want to keep all the "processed but not found" people in the list because I'm doing a quick first-pass through the list and if someone doesn't leap out at me I'm skipping onto the next. That way I'll get to look at everyone in a reasonable time frame and be able to go back to the beginning for a longer in-depth look at those who were skipped the first time. So, when I recreate the search list, I want to be able to get to the last one checked easily and have "find next" work from that person, but the only way I can currently do it is by repeated "find next" until I get there. I know I can do it with using a second tag for those I've checked and want to keep, but that relies on me remembering to do it each time and I won't. I've reported the problem as a bug. Hopefully it will be accepted and fixed. I can't see it being a huge coding exercise. Thanks again for all the advice. I've learned a lot even though some of it isn't solving the main issue. Cheers Tony Legacy User Group guidelines: Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009: Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009: Online technical support: Follow Legacy on Facebook ( and on our blog ( To unsubscribe: