
My suggestion for multiple versions of the help file was strictly
tongue in cheek.  It wouldn't matter how many versions of a help file
existed, there will always be users who are going to complain that the
help file doesn't help them.  There was one user on this list not too
long ago who made it very clear that she expected the help files to
give her explicit step by step instructions because she had no desire
to learn how to use a computer, she only wanted to do genealogy.  That
would be a user that no one would ever be able to write an acceptable
help file for - no desire to actually learn the proper way to use the
program.  Other users complaining about the help file have pretty much
said that the help file wasn't useful because the help wasn't in the
order they beleived it should be  -  how does a tech writer get into
each persons head and figure out how "Nancy" is thinking the steps for
a particular function should be completed as opposed to how "Herman" is
thinking the steps for the exact same function should be completed.

The point I was making was that if someone is going to use a
computer/program, they need to put some effort into learning how to
complete the task they are trying to do.  I think it is extremely
foolish for anyone to expect whoever writes the help file - be it tech
writer or programmer to be able to satisfy everyone.  One suggestion
was made that perhaps a new user should be involved in writing the help
file - if the person is a new user, how can they effectively assist in
writing the help file when they know nothing about the program.  If you
think people complain now because they don't like the way the help file
is written - try having a neophyte involved in writing the file.

Bottom line, I think folks need to put a little more effort and though
into utilizing the help file instead of immediately complaining that
the help file doesn't help them.

Ron Bernier
Woonsocket, RI

------ Original Message ------
From: "Denise Moss-Fritch" <>
Sent: 9/1/2012 2:20:17 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Legacy Help problems
>A few more thoughts if I may about ‘how-to’ information in Legacy.

>First, how many are aware of the tutorial topics available in Legacy’s
>help system? To find the list of tutorial topics, do the following:
>1.       Click the Help icon in the toolbar.
>2.       From the Legacy Help Contents page, click Tutorial Lessons.
>3.       Select from the list on the Examples and Demos topic.

>One writer suggested multiple versions of the same help file, for
>example, novice, intermediate, and advanced. Please understand that a
>user is not all novice, or all advanced in their use or understanding
>of legacy. You might rarely use one feature of Legacy, being a novice
>with that feature, while an expert with another feature you constantly

>There are methods of writing multiple levels of instruction into one
>help topic by “hiding” detailed explanations within the procedure.
>Those ‘hidden’ sections can be displayed to provide greater details.

>However, the structure of a typical Legacy help topic suggests that
>the Legacy staff does not include an experienced technical writer.
>Again, Legacy’s staff is just too small. A check of the About
>information on the help file shows the help authoring tool being used
>is Microsoft’s HTML Control Version 6.1 (a basic help authoring
>system) and (of course) the standard help compiler from Microsoft.

>Please remember too that a help system is linked by topic flow, not
>sequential information flow as with a book. Creating a help system is
>far more complex than writing a book, since with a help system you can
>link any topic  (page) to any other topic. That linkage is something
>that cannot be duplicated with a book.


>Denise L. Moss-Fritch
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