
This is good to know.  Thanks Brian.
I'll tag your email as a keeper.
For now I can live with this issue.

As y'all know now, I'm still using v.5 Deluxe
on an old PC that would be retired in business.
This pc does only Legacy.  No Internet connection.
I've cleaned up M$ Windoz XP for speed.
My needs here are simple.  Mostly data entry
and reports for relatives.  And I like speed.
And until now I've found no reason to upgrade.
And the changes Brian has mentioned below are
not worth the time and expense for me to upgrade.
But if v.7+ is faster, then ...

Writh's law - Software is getting slower more rapidly
than hardware becomes faster.

On 09/29/2012 05:19 PM, Brian/Support wrote:
> The ability to change wording for "marriages" is a new feature in
> Version 7. It does not exist in versions before that so any discussion
> of labels for unmarried couples and the wording of sentences for
> unmarried couples will only apply to Version 7. Karen and Jim indicate
> they are using Version 5.0 Deluxe. We stopped making changes to that
> version after Legacy 6.0 was released. The final version of Legacy 5.0
> was issued 12 Dec 2006 There were three versions of Legacy 5 released
> after the issue of Legacy 6.0 in August 2005. In Jan 2006 we added a new
> PDF creator and made a change to keep Legacy 5 current with a change to
> the IGI log in from In May we updated the file format
> to keep it compatible with Legacy 6.0 and in Dec 2006 we fixed some
> issues with the Calendar Creator.
> As Mike says below, the only bug reports that we consider and enter into
> our problem reporting system are those which can be confirmed in the
> latest release of Legacy 7.0. Those who continue to use older versions
> just have to accept the limitations inherent in older software.
> Brian
> Customer Support
> Millennia Corporation

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