On 2012/09/29 18:20, Karen and Jim wrote:

>> First off there is not a bug!
> I disagree.  Reasons to follow.

No bug. Missing feature maybe.

>> Did you mark this couple an not married on the marriage info screen?
> Originally I marked their marriage status as "unmarried".

>> If you did then the labels will change back to Male and Female.
> No.  This did NOT make them Male and Female.
> They were still labeled Husband and Wife.  BUG.
> I found no way to make them Male and Female
> and still have them as parents of a child including
> unlinking the 3 of them and then relinking.  They
> keep being Husband and Wife and unmarried.Â
> BUG.

Yes they do. Check on the Wording tab of the Marriage screen.

There is a bug! If you tick the couple as not having married, the wording
changes to using 'relationship'. All well and good and can be changed. Now,
untick the couple and make them married. The wording doesn't change back to
reflect a marriage.

Mike Fry
Johannesburg (g)

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