Please, please tell us what files you have on you thumb drive.
a)  the *.fdb file i.e. your family file with the extension ".fdb"
b)  the back up *.zip file
c)  both
Ron Ferguson
GOONS #5307

"MJ SA" <> wrote:

>Maybe I should say I want to "save" my family tree to my "thumb drive"
>after I add to it?  I do use multiple computers at two different
>homes. I really can't recall ever having this problem in the past.  My
>laptop crashed so I am glad I was backing it up or saving it to the
>thumb drive.
>I do name my family tree as the date i worked on it. At this point I
>have so many backups, saves and who knows what on my computers and I
>am probably using all the wrong words I am going to need to do a major
>clean up of the older files.
>I still don't understand why sometimes when i open my Legacy, my
>family tree does not appear.
>You are all so patient and I thank you for all your help.
>On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 6:18 PM, Ward Walker <> wrote:
>> MJ SA, please be very clear and precise when you use the terms 'backup' or
>> 'save'. As Ron, Doug, and others have been saying, your .ftb family file is
>> updated (saved to disk) constantly as you use Legacy. Your backup .zip file
>> is only made when you request it (normally upon exit), and only needed if
>> you have to create a family file by restoring a backup. Hopefully never.
>> :-)
>> Contrary to Gene's advise, I do like the option of keeping the current, live
>> family file on my thumb drive. If I use two computers, I must carry the
>> thumb drive back and forth, but I always know where the latest version is.
>> If you do this, however, make sure to specify the location for the backups
>> to be on the hard drive of the current computer, not on the thumb drive.
>>    Ward
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Gene Young
>> Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2012 5:54 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Legacy problems
>> On 11/22/2012 3:21 PM, MJ SA wrote:
>>> I was doing a bunch of searches, than I did the search modified by
>>> date and thank God it has the time on it, so I found it and this did
>>> have the additions made last night. Thank you so much!!!!
>>> Before I do anything, I want to make sure I do this correctly.
>>> Options-General- I chose Open Last file used automatically.
>> NO!  If you save it to the thumb drive to "back it up" and you choose
>> open last file, it will not be able to find it unless the thumb drive is
>> inserted.  You should set it to always open the specific file on your
>> hard drive that you want to work with.
>> Options > Customize > General Tab > Starting Family File select always
>> open this file and choose your file from the drop down list.
>> After you close the file, use windows explorer top copy and paste the
>> file to the thumb drive.
>>> Now on the various ways to save it on the computer and my thumb
>>> drives, so I can put it on my new laptop (Windows 8). I am not
>>> shutting this computer until I get it right.
>> After copying the file to the thumb drive, move the thumb drive to the
>> new computer and copy and paste the file to the location you desire and
>> repeat the above steps on the new computer.
>> --
>> Gene Young

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