I have a multitude of folders and subfolders, but provided standard Windows
file-naming conventions are used, that is only use alphanumeric characters
plus hyphens and underscores, and ensure all file names are unique. If files
are then moved selecting one image from each of the folders for an
unidentified image will enable Legacy to find all the other images in that

I do not believe that there is a perfect system as it's pretty much a matter
of personal choice provided that the basic conventions are observed.

Ron Ferguson

-----Original Message-----
From: JLB
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 3:27 PM
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Organization of Photos, Scanned Documents and etc.

Ron, the issues with linking files are the problems that come up with
either renaming them or moving them to other folder locations.

As I've seen expressed here, some people file in a multitude of folders
and sub-folders. Moving hundreds of file-paths would not be easy.
Renaming thousands of files even worse.

The original OP was looking for a system to 'get started'. Someone just
starting out may not know enough to settle on their own 'perfect system'
from the get-go so linking files can complicate their process of discovery.

One shortcut in this regard: It's not necessary to browse to each file.
You can drag and drop files into the galleries. It doesn't always work
on the first try or second or third, but with persistence ...
JL Beeken
JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists

On 3/18/2013 4:48 AM, Ron Ferguson wrote:
> I have kept out of this discussion as it does not seem appropriate to
> suggest my system, or to be accurate lack of. Unfortunately I now have too
> many images to contemplate change.
> However, unless I have missed something, I cannot understand why one would
> not attach images to Legacy, I do and over many years have had very few
> problems. During this time I have moved my data onto 3 (I think) new
> computers, but other than that have not really had to change many links.
> Whilst I, and JLB, know how to enter images into webpages or reports what
> happens if someone does not? In any event, the process of so doing is an
> absolute time consuming bore. I do it for some Event or Source Images but
> for nothing else.
> BTW for manipulating photos, the free GIMP will do most jobs, Photoshop is
> not necessary for most people.
> Ron Ferguson
> http://www.fergys.co.uk/

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