If a person is set to Living = No because there is a “Cause of Death” in 
Medical Notes then it is no longer an option to be changed on the Individual 
Information screen. That is why I had to find an alternate route to set living 
to YES.

From: Cathy Pinner 
Sent: Monday, November 6, 2017 8:32 PM
To: Legacy User Group 
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Potential GEDCOM Error

I trust your brother is getting excellent care in the Hospice.

Thanks for pointing out what you were using. It's not often I learn of a 
feature in Legacy I've not been aware of. I use Advanced Set Living quite often 
but didn't know you could change this setting for a group. I obviously don't 
use the Name List/Search List often enough and when I do, I know what I'm 
looking for and don't see the other options.

I certainly wouldn't think of using it for an individual or two. Easier to do 
it on their Individual Information screen where you can find the problem if you 
can't change the setting.

In fact, I can't think of a use for it the way I use Legacy which is no doubt 
why I don't know about it. It would perhaps be helpful when importing a gedcom 
where the living setting was a mess. Set everyone without death information to 
living and then use Advance d set living to set obviously deceased people to 


Howard Cady wrote:

  Somewhere in the help listings for Legacy I found a method for 
  resetting the Living Yes/No for a tagged set of individuals. I used 
  tag 8 for the brother as the only tagged individual in my file. Then 
  used the sequence of selections View/ Name List/ Options/ Set Living/ 
  All Individuals Tagged on 8/ Set Living = Yes to try to return the 
  brother to life. I often got a message that 1 Individual had been 
  reset, but found on his Individual Information screen that he was 
  still dead.
  This brother is in Hospice Care and I had entries under Sources - 
  Death Cause and Medical Notes listing his anticipated “Cause of Death” 
  without realizing that a Sourced Note could actually be fatal without 
  entering anything for Death/Burial information. It took me several 
  attempts at finding and removi ng information, labels, or sources to 
  bring him back to life.
  I don’t think I had a problem that will occur often. Your initial 
  suggestion was the important clue for fixing my problem and I don’t 
  think further work is needed.
  *From:* Cathy Pinner
  *Sent:* Sunday, November 5, 2017 9:55 PM
  *To:* Legacy User Group
  *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Potential GEDCOM Error
  I'm glad it's sorted but you shouldn't have to remove Medical Notes 
  unless you'd put them in Cause of Death or sourced them as Cause of 
  Death. I just retested this and adding Cause of Death or sources for 
  it doesn't change the Living status either.

  I don't know what you mean by "View-Set Living".
  If you mean Tools - Advanced Set Living - well it wouldn't help as it 
  is badly named - it means set the living flag to deceased if the 
  person couldn't still be alive based on surrounding individuals. The 
  unofficial title i s Intellimurder ;)

  If you mean setting the flag on the Individual Information screen - it 
  would reset to deceased if one of the fields associated with death was 


  Howard Cady wrote:

    You were correct as to the cause of my problem (individual marked as
    deceased). Fi xing the problem was harder. The “View-Set Living” reset
    kept returning “fixed” but the Individual Information screen kept
    returning “Deceased” for several attempts. Deleting Medical Notes and
    Medical Note Sources was my final fix that was required to get him
    alive. Thanks for steering me to the solution.
    Howard Cady
    *From:* Cathy Pinner
    *Sent:* Saturday, November 4, 2017 6:55 PM
    *To:* Legacy User Group
    *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Potential GEDCOM Error
    You don't need LTools for this and I'd be very wary of using LTools
    beyond Legacy 7.

    For t his particular case, you just need to look at his Individual
    Information screen and see.

    For others you may want to check, you can use Legacy Detailed Search.
    Individual - Birth Date - after - <your choice of date>
    Individual - Living - equal to - NO


    Howard Cady wrote:

      Cathy, Thanks for the information that removing everything from
      death/burial/sources wouldn’t restore “deceased” to “living”. I will
      search for “deceased” and dig out Ltools and look when I have time –
      but not before this reply. It is also possible that I might have
      checked his deceased box at one time and then reversed that check.
      *From:* Cathy Pinner
      *Sent:* Friday, Nov ember 3, 2017 6:26 PM
      *To:* Legacy User Group
      *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Potential GEDCOM Error
      Have you checked that he's not been accidentally marked as deceased in
      your file? It's easy to do. Adding anything in death or burial field
      or adding a source to them will switch the Living indicator. Removing
      it doesn't switch the indicator back.


      Howard Cady wrote:

        I used Legacy 9 version 198 to prepare an GEDCOM (import to Ancestry
        version) of my wife's bloodline (only her relatives) with privacy
        (only names for living people). Everything was as expected except for
        her living brother where the exported file treated him as deceased. My
        wife and all living descendants were properly exported as names only.
        A deceased older sister was properly exported as deceased. Have others
        noticed this potential error?
        Howard Cady


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