Hello everybody,

I seem to have a problem with Legacy 9 file names.

First of all I am working my Legacy 9 in the French language, so some of the 
term I use may not totally reflect the actual English equivalent.

Here is the problem: whenever I leave Legacy and answer yes to the offer to 
make a record ("enregistrer") of this genealogical file. If I opt to 
"enregistrer", having already opted to "make a backup..." (the box at the 
bottom left of this screen) the file name gets a [1] added to the name file. 
After a few times the number of such adding makes the file name too long for 
Windows to treat it.

How do I keep Legacy from adding the [1] characters? Am I doing anything wrong?

Any help will be very much appreciated.

Yours truly,

Estelle Nadeau

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