Hello everybody,

Thank you all for the help and relevant solutions.

It now works as it should.

The source of the problem was my making backups everytime I left Legacy. As I 
was keeping the same file name on and on, Legacy added a [1] to the file name 
every time.

Thanks again for the help, I am so impressed with the efficiency and readiness 
to help of users from all over.

Yours truly,

Estelle Nadeau


De : LegacyUserGroup <legacyusergroup-boun...@legacyusers.com> de la part de 
Chris Hill <chris.hill.11he...@gmail.com>
Envoyé : 18 décembre 2017 11:22
À : 'Legacy User Group'
Objet : Re: [LegacyUG] File name problem

Hi Estelle

                There is a very ‘hidden’ option within Legacy to prompt to save 
on exiting. This is from the Help on Exit Program.

Automatically Prompt for Backup

With this box checked, Legacy offers to make a backup file for each Family File 
that was opened during the session.  (See Backing Up a Family File for more 
information on making backups.)

These options can be set from the Customize screen reached by choosing 
Customize from the Options tab on the Ribbon bar and then choosing the Other 
option on the menu panel.  Click the Turn on Optional Reminder Messages button. 
 From the Optional Reminder Messages screen, click on the Reminder to make a 
backup when exiting Legacy option.

                To change these settings, you need to open the Customise dialog 
from Options – it is the left entry in the Options ribbon bar. You then select 
Option 12 – Other Settings and then click on the button below 12.5 Message 
boxes. This will open a dialog with a number of options that you can configure. 
You have probably got the third one under Prompts/Reminders (left tab) set, 
which is Reminder to make a backup when exiting Legacy. Clear that option to 
stop Legacy asking for you to make a copy of your database.

                In practice, you DO NOT NEED to make a copy of your database, 
since as a fully managed database it is always kept up to date. I suspect that 
every time you run Legacy you are then opening the latest copy and then saving 
it again, thus adding the [1] onto the file name. Hence you should be finding 
that you have a set of files in your PC reading A.fdb, A [1].fdb, A [1] [1].fdb 
… etc. In this case, you need to open the latest version and then use the File 
and Save File As option to create a new file with a clean name.

                You only need a single .fdb file as your working database. If 
you need a backup, then use the File and Backup File to create a compressed 
copy of your database, and remember not to copy it to the Legacy Cloud unless 
you want to. I would make backups before making major updates, check/repair or 
merges from other trees.

                Hope this helps.



From: LegacyUserGroup [mailto:legacyusergroup-boun...@legacyusers.com] On 
Behalf Of E. Nad

Sent: 18 December 2017 15:08

To: legacyusergroup@legacyusers.com

Subject: [LegacyUG] File name problem



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