Found it, did it, PERFECT!! Thanks Jennie and Michele for sticking with me
to get this done.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jenny M Benson
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2018 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Copy an event
On 14-Jan-18 11:29 PM, wrote:
It rearranges the parts of the sentence, puts the [desc] at the end, not
where I had it.
Yes, I see that it does that if you use the standard sentence for
Household Member (or whichever title you choose for the people the Event
is Shared to.) But that is easily rectified: simply edit the Sentence
for the role(s) you want to use.
I think the Sentence for Household Member is "[FirstHeShe] appeared in
the household of [MainPerson] in a census [onDate]. [Desc]." (I say
"think" because I have modified it and can't remember exactly how it was
for sure.) You can change it to read exactly how you wish.
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