
I have my hard drive partitioned into a C and a D drive. I keep programs and operating system on C and data on D. I have moved my Documents folder, etc from C to D. You need to do this properly
So my Legacy settings are at
D:\Documents\Legacy Family Tree\_AppData\

It's that _AppData folder that is locked to the Windows recognised Documents folder. But as you see, I have mine on my D drive.  When you're using Legacy, you can easily tell which is the recognised folder as at least files in Documents\Legacy Family Tree\_AppData\usr\ are updated every time you use Legacy.

The Documents folder is usually by default at
though sometimes the Windows recognised folder is found by people in OneDrive - I'm not sure what setting causes that. Right click on it and choose properties and then use the Location tab to move it.

Wendy Howard <>
Tuesday, 31 July 2018 9:30 AM
You can store your Legacy data file and associated media files anywhere you like. They don't have to stay in the default location.

I keep mine in a Dropbox folder.

Note that if you delete the default folders, they may be recreated when Legacy needs to use them, and you may lose some settings changes you've made along the way.  There is a hidden folder in the Legacy Family Tree folder which may not be visible to you, depending on the settings on your computer (this is a Windows setting, not Legacy).

If you want to move your data and media files, please read this article from Legacy Support -


Gary Crull <>
Tuesday, 31 July 2018 8:51 AM
I have two physical HD's on my computer. I try to keep my "C" drive for the operation system and use the  2nd physical HD for all other working files, photos, documents etc etc.

I notice in the LOCATIONS tab in customizing the default path(s) for Legacy are as follows:
C:\Legacy Genealogy Families\Data
C:\Legacy Genealogy Families\Media

Can these locations be changed to a similar path on my "D" drive and Legacy still function properly with regards to backups, synchronizing with another computer using DROPBOX, SUGARSYNC or other syncing programs?



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