On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 11:40 AM, Ian Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why can't we just be happen to produce maps and data people will want to
> use?
> Ian.

We already produce maps and data people want to use.

I also want the maps and data to be under a license which lets them be
used. (More.)

Will people contribute more if they are forced to? I don't know. IBM
contributes to linux while apple contributes to FreeBSD.

If history is any indicator, this argument will not be settled today.
I'm sorry for my part in reigniting the flames.

Clearly there are people who (for ideological and pragmatic reasons)
think a pd map set would be valuable. The data will not be lost to OSM
anyway. Should OSM support / host such a project?


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