On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 07:36:08AM -0700, Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
> Richard wrote: "One thing I really love about OSM is the pragmatic, 
> un-political
> approach: You don't give us your data, fine, then we create our own and
> you can shove it.

(I don’t see Richard’s original email, so I’ll reply here.)  OSM is
hardly un-political, heck, making your work PD is a political statement
in itself.  You’re just in the PD party, that’s all.

> Not: You don't give us your data, fine, then we create a complex legal
> licensing framework that will ultimately get you bogged down …

That’s enough, really.  As unserious as Richard can be this is just
trolling.  If you have a problem with the share-alike, you’re doing
something wrong, you’re bogging yourself down.  If you have a problem
using the data within the intent of the share-alike then that is a
problem that needs to be addressed.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall

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