On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 1:44 AM, Frederik Ramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> 80n wrote:
> > IMHO, PD weakens OSM and weakens its ability to free up other datasets.
> I don't see the "ability to free up other datasets" as central to OSM,
> and as such, "weakening" this ability does not IMHO weaken OSM.
> One thing I really love about OSM is the pragmatic, un-political
> approach: You don't give us your data, fine, then we create our own and
> you can shove it.
> Not: You don't give us your data, fine, then we create a complex legal
> licensing framework that will ultimately get you bogged down in so many
> requests by prospective users who would like to use our data and yours
> but cannot and you will sooner or later have to release your data
> according to the terms we dictate and then we will have won and the
> world will be a better place.

Not "according to the terms we dictate".  The bus company can release it's
data as PD if it likes.

OSM is the incentive for the bus company to release it's data.  And the
strength of OSM is it's community.  No community grew up around TIGER which
existed as a PD dataset for a very long time before OSM started.

> I like so view OSM as a cool DIY project, not a political trick we're
> pulling.

The problem with PD is that it permits companies to take OSM data, add their
own data and benefit from result without giving anything back.  Joseph's bus
company could take OSM's PD data, add its own bus stops and publish the
mobile app that Joseph wants.  There is no incentive for them to make their
bus stop data available.  They gain and everyone else loses.

Do you really feel comfortable about that happening?


> Bye
> Frederik
> --
> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
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