James Livingston wrote:
>/  Although, as Simon Ward said "Everyone has a say on whether their contributions 
can be licensed under the new license.", I am uncomfortable with the ODbL process and I 
resent not being polled before the license change was decided. OSMF has gotten this far in 
the process without checking they have a clear majority of contributors behind the process 
(and not just OSMF members).
How would you actually poll the contributors? The only way I could see it being done that 
satisfies everyone is in exactly the same way that the actual relicensing question is 
going to be asked, and that is a very heavyweight thing to do just for a "what do 
people feel" poll.
If it were just a choice between CC-BY-SA and ODbL, I might agree. But this is 
a false dichotomy. We could write any number of licenses or revise ODbL based 
on feedback (except it would be better to resolve this soon). We could go PDDL, 
CC0 or PD. We could fork. We could do different licenses for different regions. 
We could do a single transferable vote or majority wins. The current 
relicensing question also doesn't distinguish between what I want for the 
future and what I would tolerate. So the question might ask in a poll is far 
from obvious.


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