On 24 July 2010 00:02, Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 4:32 PM, Liz <ed...@billiau.net> wrote:
>> On Sun, 11 Jul 2010, Kai Krueger wrote:
>>> So far the the impressions I got from the members of the licensing group
>>> vary from anywhere between e.g. 10% data loss is acceptable to as high as
>>> 90% data loss is acceptable (as long as a majority of signed up accounts
>>> agree), which means as far as I can interpret, there is no where close to
>>> an agreed process even within the licensing group.
>> When do we get an answer to this question set?
>> Almost 3 weeks have gone, and again no straight answers.
>> It has become quite obvious that some are happy with a very large data loss
>> for some areas of the planet. How much data loss will they accept on their 
>> own
>> sector of the planet?
> Dear Liz,
> you say, "It has become quite obvious that some are happy with a very
> large data loss..."
> I see two problems with this, Liz.  Who are you suggesting is "happy"?
> Also, there will be no data loss.

The reason it's similar to data loss is that OpenStreetMap will keep
advancing very fast like it is now, while my data remaining CC-By-SA
only will be left to bitrot (I'm probably not going to update it even
myself, instead I may re-join OSM with a new account).  An important
strength of OSM is that it's a single database, not chunks you have to
combine before using, and that it is up-to-date.  So if OSM changes
license, rather than fork under a new license, the old data will
effectively be lost, it's only nitpicking saying it's not really lost.

You also talk about choice, a lot of mappers will not have a choice to
promote their contributions because of sources they have used (though
I'm sure many of them will agree to relicense anyway because they
don't read the legalese).  I might be able to re-license under ODbL
but not under CT.  I'm wondering if the OSMF may include the "Decline,
but I can make my contributions available under ODbL" option in the
re-license question page, this would allow it to include data by the
affected contributors in the new planet snapshots until another
license change happens.  At that point I may again be able to ask the
sources I used if they agree with that license.  I can not ask them to
agree to a license that is not specified, and even myself I'm not
comfortable being asked this.


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