On Sun, 11 Jul 2010, Kai Krueger wrote:

> Enough of preamble, so here again I would like to ask the question again:
> What is the criterion of when "critical mass" is reached and thus data is
> lost (even if it isn't lost as data, it is lost to the project and the
> (editing) community)? Who gets to decide this criterion? What are the
> objectives of those deciding this criterion? What influence does the wider
> community have on setting these criteria? Will at least the full OSMF
> membership have a vote on the question of if it is enough. If yes, what
> would be the formalities of this vote? simple majority? Absolute majority
> of members?


> So far the the impressions I got from the members of the licensing group
> vary from anywhere between e.g. 10% data loss is acceptable to as high as
> 90% data loss is acceptable (as long as a majority of signed up accounts
> agree), which means as far as I can interpret, there is no where close to
> an agreed process even within the licensing group.

When do we get an answer to this question set?
Almost 3 weeks have gone, and again no straight answers.
It has become quite obvious that some are happy with a very large data loss 
for some areas of the planet. How much data loss will they accept on their own 
sector of the planet?


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