Richard Weait schrieb:
On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 7:18 PM, Heiko Jacobs <> wrote:

I searched without success in the Wiki
who official decided, when and *WHY* they decided, that data of
contributors, who not (can) accept the ODbl, has to be removed.

up to 2010-06-22 this questions stayed open:

" Week 13 (approximate)
Final cut-off. Community Question... What do we do with
the people who have said no or not responded?"

But the discussion (and decision) seems to be much older ...?

The presumption is that contributors who joined under ccbysa only,
have the right to choose whether to proceed under ODbL or not.  Do you
suggest that they should not have a choice?

If the OSMF Board were to decide, "okay, that's it.  All the data is
relicensed" without asking contributors, is that in line with their
mandate to assist OpenStreetMap but not control it?

What would you suggest as an alternative?

Before I will discuss this points I want to see the official
decision and on which base this decision was made.
For such an important decision I assumed that is written down.


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