John Smith schrieb:
On 5 August 2010 18:04, Heiko Jacobs <> wrote:
I don't want youre private guesses.
I want to have official facts.

Unless someone sues another in court over this issues, you are only
going to get guesses.

As you weight in the court ...
They also will ask for "OSMF decided", not for "Frederik guessed" ...

As you weight in the court ...
Which copyright is relevant for edits in XY besides CC?
National copyright law of XY? Or copyright law of GB (OSMF, server)?
I would guess ;-) first one? Because all talk about differences
of protection of data between USA, GB, Germany, Australia, ...

What's the problem to do this for the reasons of data loss, too?

The reason for the data loss is as Frederik wrote,

And where I can find, that OSMF follows Frederiks opinion? ;-)

A lot of things around the point of data loss are very absurd, indeed ...

You essentially have 2 camps here, the pragmatists who think anything
but minor data loss is unacceptable, and you have the idealists who
think even if we loose a most of data people will just put new "freer"
data back in and we'll be able to then license under the most freest
license possible so there is no restrictions at all on anything ever

Yes I'm a member of the first camp ;-)
But I would also say, it is an idealistic camp, too.
I'm an idealist with the opinion, that all will work together
to make the data better for a better world ;-) and not want
to go back some years to old bad geometry and old bad tags only
to obey some mappers, that are unreachable ...
To put errors in a map to have fun while closing the gaps again
is not an idealistic point of view for me ...


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