On Sun, Jan 22, 2017 at 1:54 PM, Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch> wrote:

> In any case, getting permission to distribute on ODbL terms only would
> seem to be suboptimal and endangers any contributions based on so
> licensed material as any license change, even in name only, would cause
> issues that require going back to the licensor.

Simon, can you give an example of language you think would be best for this?

Something like:

"Specific permission is granted to use this imagery for digitizing
data into OpenStreetMap and the resulting OpenStreetMap data to be be
released under the OSM project's license of choice."

Is that what you have in mind?


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, TM3 Project Manager
skype: jblakegirardot
HOT Core Team Contact: i...@hotosm.org

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