on Cuba:

1. while it is important to know how much popular backing the Castro-regime 
still has, this in itself does not prove any 'socislist'and/or 'workers state' 
character of the regime, of course. That nobody gets me wrong: I don't equate 
Hitler to Castro, but for many years eventual tourists in Germany would have 
had difficulties to find someone at least 'officially' not in favour of the 
Hitler-regime.  Things would be so easy if the bad guys were always disliked. I 
somewhere read that the Russian zar Ivan the Cruel was much liked by the people 
(at least they all broke out in tears when he had died).If Castro still has the 
support of the majority of the people (specially the working class) this may be 
more because of nationalist than of class sentiment.
2. let me once again as a valuable source for historical information point to 
the most recent issue of the London based journal 'Revolutionary History' under 
the title 'The Hidden Pearl of the Caribbean - Trotzkyism in Cuba' with articles 
from Gary Tennant on the development of the communist movement there (one 
article deals with A. Mella), of the nationalist movemement and with interesting 
notes on Che Guevara including a long interview with Roberto Acosta Hechavarrķa, 
who has worked with the M26 before the revolution and then under with the Che in 
the Ministery of Industry. Another interview about the Che and his shifting 
understanding of the revolutionary process is with the Peruvian Ricardo Napurķ.
[Rev.Hist., Vol.7, No.3 (Socialist Platform Ltd, BCM 7646,London WC1N 3XX // 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) London 2000. 

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