Anton, you are attributing narrow mindedness and being reactionary to
immigrants that haven't mastered learning German.     Has it not
occurred to you why these immigrants might not have learned your
language?      It is from fear, and nothing else.

Immigrants fear being ridiculed as they try to master the skills
necessary in learning a new language.     Some feel so ashamed and
fearful of being put down, that they just shut off from being engaged in
the process of learning the dominant language.      They continually
avoid any interactions where there 'weakness' might be exposed.

Isn't this a natural psychological process much different than being
reactionary or narrow minded?      I suggest that you  volunteer to
teach German language skills to some immigrants, and learn something
about the motivations for their behavior that you seem to disapprove so
strongly to.

<Therefore there is no need to defend every sort of narrowmindedness
within the working class, and if people live in a foreign country for
decades and don't hardly speak a single sentence in that country's
language (Johannes: please don't deny that there are people like that!)
this is nothing to defend. It's simply narrow minded and in fact
reactionary. We should be Marxists, not liberal dogooders with a bad
consciousness. We should tell it like it is.>

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