Nestor Miguel Gorojovsky schrieb:
> En relación a Re: [L-I] Speaking the same language?, 
> el 29 Aug 00, a las 12:51, Tony Abdo dijo:
> > Anton, you are attributing narrow mindedness and being reactionary to
> > immigrants that haven't mastered learning German.     Has it not
> > occurred to you why these immigrants might not have learned your
> > language?      It is from fear, and nothing else.
> Well, that is very taxative, and probably too American. Fear may be a 
> component. But the basic question is "why does not the German 
> formation work in order to have these migrants learn German?". In 
> Argentina, European migrants were very proud that they did not speak 
> the same language that the unworthy locals, but the Argentine 
> formation took the pains to educate them into our own language, and 
> if not themselves their children were lucky not only to learn Spanish 
> but also to attain a higher level of education they would have ever 
> attained in Europe. There was an interest of the Argentinian ruling 
> classes to include those newcomers into the country. There does not 
> seem to exist such an interest among the German ruling classes today. 
> Perhaps that's why Anthony's proposition that Anton go and teach 
> German to migrants sounds so revolutionary.

The truth is that the great majority of the immigrants here have succeeded in 
learning sufficient German. There are many institutions which offer German 
courses for foreigners (eg for 'Germans' who immigrate from the former Soviet 
Union). People I know who worked there as teachers told me that a certain number 
of these people proved that they were not really interested.As far as I know 
in Sweden learning the language is compulsory for immigrants. I think that this 
is fine. Apart from this: Do you have any ideas about the numbers of would be 
revolutionaries here in German, and more so about the numbers of those who have 
the skill to teach their language to maybe illiterate people? And do you really 
think that the kind of immigrants I have in mind would send their women to some 
German leftists to learn the language? You must be joking if you pretend that 
this is a way to solve the problem. Yes it is true that the immigrants are 
victims of the imperialist system (as is the majority of mankind). But the point 
for Marxists is not to refer to the working class primarily as victims but as 
the class which has the capability to overthrow capitalism. And this means that 
the shortcomings of the working class (and all other people, us included) must 
nort be hailed but overcome. The basis for overcoming it is to openly say that 
we are here dealing with self defeating shortcomings.
> Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky
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