Unbelievable!!! I agree and disagree with DHKC comrades on a lot of issues about
fascism in Turkey just as I disagree with other people on other issues. This place
is a forum for substantiating our criticisms on rational grounds, rather than
insulting each other with sexist expressions such as "fuck your mother" or whatever
the term implies below.Why are *women* targeted here???  Do you think we are bunch
of idiots?  I am willing to forget to have read this *sexist spam* on this list, if
the poster owes an apology immediately!

Thanks for the translation, Henry! Hope I misunderstood it.

Marxist-feminists won't allow bourgeois male chauvinist expressions divide the


"Henry C.K. Liu" wrote:

> Steve,
> If your spelling is correct, the expression has four words; translated as:
> " **** your mother's **** ".
> Please give us a update of worker sentiment in Louyang.
> Henry
> Stephen E Philion wrote:
> > I just spoke with  3 workers here in  Luoyang...they all expressed
> > unanimous support of this document....and added  three words of sdvice,
> > cao ni  made...'
> >
> > steve in luouyang.... China
> >
> > Stephen Philion
> > Lecturer/PhD Candidate
> > Department of Sociology
> > 2424 Maile Way
> > Social Sciences Bldg. # 247
> > Honolulu, HI 96822
> >
> > On Sun, 24 Sep 2000, dhkc wrote:
> >
> > > Assessing the parliament as being an ineffective, powerless and puppet
> > > institution is not enough. Parliament is in the service of fascism. It
> > > provides for the implementation of fascist policies.
> > >
> > >
> > > The parliament appoints the administration. This is done through a vote of
> > > confidence, which means that governments carry out their work under the
> > > supervision of parliament. The appointment of the government in our country
> > > is the same. But they don't carry out their work under parliamentary
> > > supervision. An example of this:
> > > Let's remember Bulent Ecevit in the 1970s. When he was in opposition, he was
> > > talking about the existence of the contra-guerrillas and said that when he
> > > came to power, he would deal with the problem. He came to power and not only
> > > did he not deal with them, he even forgot that they existed. He even denied
> > > their existence. The meaning of this is that governments are supervised by
> > > the contra-guerrillas, not by the parliament.
> > > This situation is much clearer today. If the question of "is there any
> > > institution that the government is responsible to?" is posed, the answer
> > > will definitely not be "parliament". It will be either "no" or "the MGK".
> > > Whichever government is in power, during the meetings of the MGK, the
> > > "National Security Document" or as it is also known, "the Secret
> > > Constitution" or "the Red Book", is put in front of the representatives of
> > > the government. The message is: "Your party and election programmes are
> > > over. Learn the basic outlines of your work well."
> > > This secret constitution is the only constitution for the government. The
> > > government rules the country in accordance with this constitution by issuing
> > > "governmental directives" and "regulations". These governmental directives
> > > are the decisions of the government and have the force of a decree. This is
> > > done without the approval of parliament. That is, the government, without
> > > having the authority to issue "decrees", can in practice issue them. The
> > > most famous of these are the "SS directives", which are based on repression
> > > and prohibitions. For example, since 1982 there has not been a single decree
> > > issued on prisons, but more than 10 directives were issued by the government
> > > to intensify the repression in prisons.
> > > Also in our country or countries like ours, authority rests with unelected
> > > bureaucrats rather than with those elected to parliament. The generals,
> > > police chiefs and mayors directly or indirectly control the administration.
> > > For example, the name of General Cevik Bir, who was educated in the USA and
> > > can speak English better than Turkish, was heard more often than the Prime
> > > Minister's at one time. Again, another establishment of the military called
> > > the "Western Working Group" is still functioning and continuing to compile
> > > files on almost everyone from a butcher to a minister, despite the decision
> > > of the Prime Minister that "it is no longer needed".
> > > These people make public their opinions about the state of the nation and
> > > issue warnings. They even act as spokesmen for the country abroad. Their
> > > opinions are more valid than, for example, those of the head of parliament.
> > > The most important slots in the bureaucracy are staffed with fascist cadres.
> > > No-one can be head of police or mayor without a track record as a torturer
> > > or murderer. Some examples are:
> > > Necati Bilican; he was mayor of one of the state emergency districts. He
> > > proved himself to be the murderer of hundreds of people and then he became
> > > head of police. This is only one example. Today in our country all the posts
> > > of police chief, mayor and similar positions are given to such people.
> > > Mehmet Agar's career from police chief to minister follows a similar
> > > pattern. Therefore it is no wonder we call the state "the police state",
> > > "the contra-guerrilla state" or "the Susurluk state".
> > > What about the judiciary?
> > > Here, we will ask questions in a way that will guarantee the answer "No".
> > > Could the gangs be judged? The names of almost all MPs including the head of
> > > parliament have been mentioned in connection with corruption. Can they be
> > > brought before a court?
> > > Could Tansu Ciller (former Prime Minister of Turkey and a US citizen) be
> > > brought before a court?
> > > Mesut Yilmaz (another former Prime Minister)?
> > > Mehmet Agar?
> > > Ayhan Carkin and Ibrahim Sahin? The fascist murderer Oral Celik, whose crime
> > > is known even down to the last minute and who is presently chairman of a
> > > premier-league football club?
> > > The Gazi massacre trial recently concluded. And the murderer-policeman Adem
> > > Albayrak was acquitted. Eleven people were killed by police gunfire in March
> > > 1995, and there is video footage of it happening, with Adem Albayrak clearly
> > > visible on camera using his automatic rifle. The trial took four years, and
> > > was moved from Istanbul to Trabzon (a distance of 1,083 kilometres, or 18
> > > hours by coach). He was the only policeman who was detained until the final
> > > court verdict.
> > > Today even members of the judiciary say that the judiciary is not
> > > independent. The DGM (State Security Court) prosecutor Mete Gokturk
> > > explained the situation in detail on a TV programme. Now he is on trial on a
> > > charge that may result in twelve and a half year's imprisonment.
> > > In every courtroom in Turkey there is the motto, "Justice is the Basis of
> > > the State."
> > > The justice of fascism is the basis of fascism. According to this, for
> > > example, children who stole pastries are put on trial, not the smugglers,
> > > drug traffickers, fraudsters etc. Whether or not one has any idea about the
> > > state, today nobody trusts the courts.
> > > Fascism also established special courts called the DGMs in order to protect
> > > itself and legitimise the repression and terror.
> > > The DGMs are fascist institutions designed to condemn the people's struggle.
> > > Fascism makes use of these courts to whitewash its own attacks and massacres
> > > and to legitimise its attacks. These places are the places where fascism is
> > > whitewashed and the revolutionary struggle is put on trial. While the
> > > torturers and contra-guerrilla chiefs are acquitted, revolutionaries,
> > > democrats and intellectuals are sentenced to death or to long terms of
> > > imprisonment.
> > >
> > >
> > > According to the dictionary definition, the military are part of the state
> > > administration. But in country's like ours, the military is in charge of
> > > every issue, and it is the most important institution of fascism.
> > > We have already mentioned how the military dominate the state administration
> > > by means of the MGK. What is the structure of the military, which is so
> > > dominant? First of all, the military is dependent on imperialism in every
> > > way. From the weapons soldiers carry to the socks they wear, everything is
> > > supplied by imperialism. It is not only dependent but collaborationist as
> > > well. All the strategically important positions within the military are
> > > staffed by the officers and the generals who have been educated in the USA.
> > > The military is under the control of the Yankees, from its
> > > institutionalisation to its regulations. The Yankees organise courses to
> > > give instruction in how to use the weapons that they sell, as well as
> > > supplying technical information, training and disciplinary regulations. Of
> > > course these examples are not enough to explain the collaboration. Today the
> > > military is also a monopoly tied to domestic and foreign monopolies having
> > > mutual interests. With the establishment of military markets, military
> > > entertainment clubs, military pleasure beaches, military foundations, OYAK
> > > (Military Aid Institutions), ASELSAN (military company specialising in
> > > electronics), TUSAS (Turkish-American military firm), TUSLOG (Turkish-US
> > > Logistics Group) and so on, the senior administration of the military is
> > > turned into a bureaucratic bourgeoisie. The military cadres live in better
> > > conditions than their civilian counterparts, therefore the military protects
> > > the interests of imperialism and the collaborationist bourgeoisie better
> > > than any other force.
> > > Also, the collaborationist monopolies in our country like Sabanci and Koc
> > > continuously give presents to the Chiefs of Staff and the heads of the armed
> > > forces.
> > >
> > >
> > > If the people are organised and conscious, imperialism and the monopolist
> > > bourgeoisie cannot apply fascism. That is why besides their own legal
> > > institutions, they need several other institutions of repression.
> > > An administration that protects the interests of imperialism and the
> > > monopolist bourgeoisie is of course the enemy of the peoples. Because this
> > > administration means the plundering of the peoples' labour and their
> > > exploitation by force. It is not a form of administration that can be
> > > accepted by the people.
> > > Therefore fascism does not want the peoples to achieve consciousness and
> > > become organised. The people are constantly subject to repression, in short,
> > > fascism survives through terror.
> > > There are associations, unions and political parties, but almost every
> > > activity is banned. In one night tens of NGOs (non-governmental
> > > organisations) are raided by police and their members arrested. Supposedly
> > > there is a right to participate in an organisation, but to go to these NGOs
> > > means to face oppression and torture.
> > > There are socialist and revolutionary newspapers, magazines and books, but
> > > almost every issue is seized. The bureaus of newspapers and magazines are
> > > raided and even bombed, all the furnishings are damaged and plundered, their
> > > workers are brutally beaten and arrested. The socialist weekly Kurtulus
> > > (Liberation) is a typical example.
> > > When this is not enough, they try to intimidate and silence the people
> > > through killings, massacres and disappearances.
> > > But to do this, the state's legal institutions like the police are not
> > > always sufficient. Under these circumstances the contra-guerrillas which
> > > supervise the rest of the state institutions intervene.
> > >
> > >
> > > They are directly responsible to the General Staff. It is the planner and
> > > executor of all the filthy deeds, massacres, provocations, the 1,000
> > > OPERATIONS, and the chauvinist policies which divide the people. If
> > > functions under the name of the "Special Forces Command".
> > > The gendarmerie stations, JITEM, the Special Action Teams, the village
> > > guards, Special Commando Units, the Mayoral Administrations of the State of
> > > Emergency Areas, the DGMs and similar institutions are all responsible to
> > > the Special Forces Command.
> > > The contra-guerrillas are the enemies of the people. Their principal duty is
> > > to divide and intimidate the people and make them the slaves of imperialism
> > > and the oligarchy at whatever the cost. For this reason savage murders are
> > > committed and the people are split into fragments and incited to kill one
> > > another. Mass killings are organised, villages are bombed, peasants are
> > > forced to migrate, forests are destroyed.
> > > Both the contra-guerrillas and the MIT are under the direct control of
> > > imperialism through the CIA.
> > >
> > >
> > > With the YOK (Higher Education Council) which destroyed the autonomy of the
> > > universities, students; with the YHK (Higher Arbitration Council) workers;
> > > with the Higher Council of Judges and Prosecutors the judiciary; and with
> > > the State Control Council the bureaucracy and government are all under the
> > > control of fascism. Its institutionalisation is completed from top to bottom
> > > through these institutions which are shaped by the constitution.
> > > On the other hand, fascism has to have a certain amount of mass support (at
> > > least from a minority of the people) to continue to exist.
> > >
> > >
> > > The fascist organisations find their supporters mainly from small-scale
> > > entrepreneurs. These could be shop-owners or land-owning peasants. These
> > > kinds of people always wish to get richer and never give up hoping in the
> > > system.
> > > In this way, they are influenced by the propaganda of the system and become
> > > its natural supporters.
> > > Whenever it is necessary they become the state's source of mass support or
> > > an offensive force against the revolutionary-democratic opposition. They
> > > attack demonstrations, burn and destroy and carry out massacres. Again,
> > > whenever it is necessary, they become the instruments of chauvinist
> > > propaganda. They declare the entire peoples of the world to be enemies,
> > > their principal demagogy is "Turks have no other friends than Turks", they
> > > continuously say that we should be in "national unity and togetherness".
> > > Their understanding of unity is the unity of serving imperialism and the
> > > oligarchy. They declare that the rising struggle of the people for rights
> > > and liberties is destroying this unity and they consider the supporters of
> > > this struggle to be enemies.
> > > The state's businesses like drug-dealing and prostitution are also carried
> > > out by these civilian fascists. Alaattin Cakici and Drej Ali are well-known
> > > examples. The commando camps of the past are replaced by today's mafia
> > > ranches. It is also well-known how these are on very good terms with
> > > bureaucrats and ministers. How they committed murders and carried out
> > > provocations are known very well by the people. In short, when the state is
> > > restricted in carrying its dirty businesses because of its own laws, the
> > > civilian fascist cadres are used.
> > >
> > >
> > > Fascism has to create a people who will accept its culture in order to
> > > protect its system, as well as civilian fascists.
> > > It tries to do this with cultural decomposition. The era when cultural
> > > decomposition was at its height was the era following September 12, 1980.
> > > Those who reject the culture of fascism and mindless admiration for
> > > imperialist countries are called the children of September 12. September 12
> > > is not only a special period. It is the beginning of an era which began with
> > > the military coup. September 12 is an understanding, a lifestyle and a
> > > social structure.
> > > No matter how bloody and repressive the junta was, without creating a mass
> > > which accepts its administration voluntarily, it wouldn't have been able to
> > > survive long. The way to do this was to depersonalise society, that is,
> > > bring about its decomposition. In order to provide for the continuity of
> > > fascism, this was one of the biggest targets of September 12. In this way
> > > its fascist practices would be easily accepted.
> > > On the one hand the educational system was completely reshaped in accordance
> > > with the fascist ideology. On the other, the media were used widely. The
> > > media monopolies became voluntary supporters of these fascist policies.
> > > Turncoats, fainthearts, cowards are bought by the media bosses and from them
> > > the propaganda of decomposition is made. Today they still are the biggest
> > > tool of depersonalisation, making use of left-wing vocabulary.
> > > For this reason the philosophy of "there is no belief that is worth dying
> > > for" was propagated. To be a turncoat became something valued. Belief in
> > > justice, equality and independence was denigrated. Terms like freedom and
> > > democracy were deprived of their content, private property became sacred,
> > > democracy and freedom were presented as meaning you could do whatever you
> > > wanted to.
> > > "To turn the corner" (get rich) became the main aim.
> > > Individualism, individual liberation and a money-oriented life were
> > > propagated at every level. As far as the understanding of September 12 is
> > > concerned, there was no rule, value, morality other than to achieve
> > > individual liberation and to get rich. Their motto was "anything goes".
> > > For example, when such people are questioned about their immoral ways of
> > > life, they don't even discuss whether it is immoral or not. Shamelessly they
> > > say, "I am earning money. What's wrong with that?"
> > > One of the typical examples of such people is Hulya Avsar who is a "famous"
> > > character in Turkey, often on TV. As far as we know, she does not support a
> > > fascist party and if she believed that being a candidate of a social
> > > democratic party would bring more money and fame, she would do it. But she
> > > is one of the archetypes of fascism's personality. Women like Hulya Avsar,
> > > men like Ibrahim Tatlises and youngsters like Tarkan are presented as
> > > models. They want to create people who dress like them, laugh like them and
> > > sell themselves like they do, at every stage of life.
> > > Because fascism can only stand upon a foundation of such people, on the one
> > > hand September 12 presented decomposition and devaluation as a "system of
> > > values", these were so-called 'changes', 'openings', 'renovations'. On the
> > > other, fascist murderers like Abdullah Catli were treated as statesmen.
> > > These murderers killed on behalf of the state and even, as happened in
> > > Azerbaijan, were involved in coups abroad. Also, the mafia mobs like Cakici
> > > were given duties under the guise of being statesmen, they financed these
> > > murders.
> > > Murderers like Mehmet Agar, Kemal Yazicioglu and Yasar Okuyan became
> > > valuable. They took part in the administration of the state.
> > > All these relations and filth were exposed at Susurluk, one by one and name
> > > by name. It was fascism's true face which was exposed at Susurluk, despite
> > > only a small part of it coming to light.
> > > Those who issue reports, supposedly, about the gangs and their murders claim
> > > that they are fighting against gangs, say that "the state may be in need of
> > > doing such work in the future, so all this has to be taken into serious
> > > consideration like a state would do." Some parts of the reports were not
> > > made public for the same reason. This has a clear meaning; massacres,
> > > murders, provocation, drug-trafficking. That is, Susurluk, that is, fascism
> > > will continue. Again with these words they admit that they have no other way
> > > to continue their rule other than fascism.
> > > History has shown that wherever there is repression, force and tyranny,
> > > there are definitely people who resist and fight against it. Because to
> > > resist is in the nature of human beings. Neither the era of slavery in which
> > > human beings were bought and sold by other human beings, nor the feudal
> > > system of the Dark Ages in which people were burned alive and crucified
> > > could survive forever. History is written by those who fought against
> > > tyranny, not those who spilt blood unjustly. Society always progresses
> > > forward and adopts the revolutionary path.
> > > If one side of history is tyranny, pain, blood and sorrow for the people,
> > > the other side is resistance, revolt and revolutions. To live on your knees
> > > is against human nature.
> > > Today the name of tyranny is fascism. Like all systems of repression, it is
> > > destined to rot and disappear. After the 1900s, following the fascist
> > > regimes which tried to destroy the people's liberation struggles,
> > > revolutions took place. Heroic peoples established socialism and fought
> > > against fascism with a united front. Today the growing struggle for
> > > Independence, Liberation and Democracy both in our country and throughout
> > > the world, is the proof of fascism's failure.
> > > The only way not to surrender to the savagery and terror of the monopolies
> > > is to call out "freedom" and to struggle.
> > > Fascism will be defeated "without depending on outside forces, by believing
> > > in your own power, thinking, learning, achieving the revolution and
> > > protecting the revolution." (DHKP (Revolutionary People's Liberation Party)
> > > Congress Report, page 104.)
> > > Fascism is the regime of destruction and decomposition. It hates everyone
> > > except itself. Therefore there are only two choices for the people who are
> > > united against fascism;
> > >
> > >
> > >
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Mine Aysen Doyran
PhD Student
Department of Political Science
SUNY at Albany
Nelson A. Rockefeller College
135 Western Ave.; Milne 102
Albany, NY 12222

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