Firstly I do not think that Peronism was a fascist movement. A fascist
movement cannot rest on the organised working class like Peronism. Peronism
was a form of Bonapartism, hence the fact it mixed the imagery, phraseology
and iconography of the far-Right with the far-Left. Will you deny that
Peronism provided a refuge for Nazis? That Argentina became the biggest
refuge for Nazis on the planet? Shall I start to name some of the prominent
Nazis who were granted jobs and extravagant lifestyles by the regime of

 Perhaps this should be stated without confidence. Like - er, well,
Peronism, kind of Bonapartist, I think, not really sure, perhaps it was but
then on the other hand, well, I'm confused, but it provided a refuge for
Nazis, so I read, I think I read, or maybe I hallucinated reading it, or
maybe I was dreaming or something...

 Ah right. So if British imperialist propaganda had one position I must
automatically, de facto, have the opposite opinion, or else I am one of
them. If they say the earth circles the sun then I must dispute it. Maybe I
should write tracts defending the Austrian Freedom Party since it was
attacked by imperialism.

 Anyway, I, High Spokesman of the British Imperialist Propaganda Council,
yesterday attended a Committee for Peace in the Balkans, an anti-war group
dedicated to opposing imperialism in Yugoslavia with united-front tactics.
There were a few members of Manchester's Serbian community attending, who
combated some of our ignorance on the question, right down to the
pronunciation of Kostunica's name. They tried to get us to realise WHY
people supported the opposition. I myself contributed and denounced the
opposition. Shit, I am a pretty piss-poor apologist of imperialist

 And in my opinion, the best Marxist is one that can spit on their flag
without regrets, no?



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