Reply to Aaron, at [EMAIL PROTECTED], who wrote on the 5/10/2000 12:40:

> Sean Matgamma's group? The ones who supported Israel and opposed the Irish
> liberation struggle?  (I'm using the past tense because I have no knowledge of
> them since my stay in London in 1993.)
> The only question is, do they work for MI5 or for MI6?
> - Aaron

 This is precisely the group I mean. However, I would urge caution before
indicting them as having MI5 pay packets. There is a long and nasty history
on the Left of denouncing provocateurs - not least the Healyites. It's a
sectarianism that came to define the Trotskyist movement.

 But their positions always end them up on the opposite side of the
barricades. They support Israel (indeed Matgamna denounced Tony Cliff as an
Arab chauvinist on several occasions, not least in his obituary). They once
dedicated an entire copy of their journal to denounced the Irish
national-liberation struggle, with a picture on the front of a particularly
sinister-looking Provo with gun in hand. As one of their members admitted to
me, they tacitly supported imperialism against Yugoslavia (but, I was
reassured, they opposed the bombing of civilian targets!) They supported
counterrevolution in the Stalinist states, and even pre-emptively called for
Yeltsin to ban the Communist Party. They are wildly Stalinophobic.

 When I challenged them about their silence about the butchering of Iraq by
their imperialist bourgeoisie, they instead complained that the Left had
failed to back them on solidarity with Chechnya. So they are excellent in
exposing and fighting against the crimes of a foreign bourgeoisie, but seem
incapable, or unwilling, to challenge their imperialist bourgeoisie.


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