Johannes wrote:

> Unfortunately it will be rather easy
> to find more antisemitic quotes from leading CPRF members.

Unfortunately there is seemingly no end to attempts like this to create hysterias
about alleged pogroms, mass anti-semitism etc in Russia. Makashov was, of course,
roundly condemned for his remarks by the leadership of the KPRF, ie, Zyuganov. When
these remarks were made, several years ago at a time of acute social crisis in
Russia, after the cuirrency collapse of 1998, the western press was full of
orchestrated hysteria about alleged anti-semitism in the KPRF, which was supposedly
not really socialist at all 'fascist', ultra-nationalist etc. The context of
Makashov's remarks: the incredible collapse of Russian living standards and social
values and solidarity under the pressure of Yeltsin (a Jew) and his international
backers. The fact that 7 of the 8 'oligarchs' most associated with the plundering of
Russia are Jewish and at least two hold joint Israeli nationality, etc. Of course,
Makashov's remarks were deplorable and appealed to the worst instincts, the lowest
political common denominator, but his real error was to avoid indicting the real
criminals: US finance capital, the IMF etc. Now, to suggest that Russia is in the
throes of mass anti-semitism is *simply absurd* and an outright lie. Considering how
profound is the post-Soviet agony of the Russian people, Mr Schneider should instead
point to the evdiently high degree of general civic maturaity and the lack of a
backlash. Unfortunately for both them and for their Caucasian neighbours, Russians
are much more racist about Chechens. Azeris etc than about Jews.

Mr Schneider should (a) get his facts right and (b) not bring to *this* list the
wilful prejudices and blind anti-Russian hysterias of the Western, imperialist

Attempts to equate Marxism-Leninism with the ultra-right are not only not new, they
are as old as socialism.


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