you don't think that the CPRF = Marxism-Leninism, do you?

No, no and again no, as Vladimir Ilyich might say. But so what? Is it the use of the
name 'communist' which winds people up into such hysterical frenzies? But we have
had non-communist communist parties for years and decades and people have fogiven
them their tactless misappropriation of the name (eg, CPUSA, PCF, PCI, Chinese CP
etc etc). So why single out poor Zyuganov?

> Since your comeback, you have argued for the importance of
> revolutionary theory & the need to debate it on this list.  This may
> as well be our point of departure.


> Russia today, it seems to me, is virtually free from Marxism-Leninism.

By what test? According to a recent poll, Russians voted Lenin as 'man of the 20th
century' (followed by Stalin) by handsome majorities. There is a well-attested
yearning for the good old soviet days, which all polls confirm. Even if Kagarlitsky
is right in rubbishing the kprf, there is no getting away from the fact that the
Kremlin and its western minders acknowledge *the need* for the kprf, because of the
huge residual popularity of Communist ideas, values etc.

And I know it's true, because I've spent time there.


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