On Tuesday, July 29, 2014 7:53:29 PM UTC-5, Edward K. Ream wrote:
> Oh drat.  The writers/test.py is being call by @auto-test, but 
> something recent is preventing importers/test.py from being called. 
> It used to work, I swear.  Hehe. I'll make it work again asap. 

Actually, there wasn't any problem ;-)  The reason why importers/test.py 
wasn't called was because the file was empty.

This is probably the most reasonable way, but I changed the code so that 
the relevant importer is called even if the file is empty, as long as the 
file actually exists.  So now, if there is an @auto-test node,  
ic.createOutline will always call importers/test.py.

In short, afaik, importers and writers can create their own kinds of @auto 
nodes, as long as they have unique spellings.

This is pretty much the end of the project for me, except for removing a 
few vestiges of the fixed, unchanging @auto spellings.


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