
I'm starting python programming for few months and just beginning to use 
I first got attracted by Leo for its way to handle ReST documents structure 
(just perfect!) and live preview.
Then, I was quite disturb and very surprised by its level of complexity, 
(so many "hidden" implemented features), but looking deeper into it I 
though that complexity was not really meaning of complicated...
To tell the truth, since I'm quite novice to Python scripting and 
programming, I think I'll stay for a while with a more "conventional" IDE 
(I think I gonna like Eric) to get a better idea of what is basic python 

But... I still really like Leo's philosophy and flexibility and want to use 
it for Shinx and ReST editing.
My idea, from what I understand for now, I think it will be not so 
difficult to turn Leo complexity to the most simple but complete Sphinx 

Let me explain my point, and tell me if I'm totally wrong... If I 
understand well Leo's basics, it could be possible to build a kind of 
Leo-Sphinx-template.leo containing all the needs of a sphinx project, 
without even modifying Leo's code and writting a new plugin.

1 - First thing would be to give this template all the file/folder 
structure required by Shinx (build,sources, statics, templates, setup.py, 

2 - Perhaps use attrib-edit-py to graphically configure conf.py 
parameters... otherwise, maybe just link to edit conf.py or maybe a new 
directive for every parameter (probably useless...)

3 - Make new menus by introducing right @settings and @commands (and even 
delete some default scary ones for newbies and useless for basic Sphinx 

For example I though about this kind of simple structure for this 

        @menu Sphinx
            @item Configure  (gui edit for conf.py ?) or @item Edit conf.py 
and @item Edit conf.py 
            @item -
            @menu make
                @item ReST  (Maybe dynamically generate items depending of 
Configure parameters)
                @item html
                @item epub
            @menu Open
                @item html
                @item pdf
                @item epub

That seems really easy to call make html or other make commands since it's 
always from the root folder.
Maybe some more tricky part is verifying that doc is build before opening 
browser (or maybe viewrendered2 ?)

One could think about publish html builds online and version control via 
python's hg-git plugin
    @menu Publish
          @On bitbuket     
          @On gitub
An maybe for completness some more complicated import/export features using 
for example using external pandoc for a full feature; 
    @menu Import
           @item Docuwiki
           @item Mediawiki
           @item HTLM
           @item ODT
           @item RTF
     @menu Export

So, I wonder if I'm right thinking of customization with this kind of 
sphinx-template.leo (eg not using myLeoSettings.leo and not using plugin 

Does Leo users use to share this kind of personal customized .leo file (I'm 
aware about security problem...). Are there a lot of Sphinx/Leo users ?

Do you think it would be a good idea to build this kind of templates for 
varius basic needs (we could think about other static bloging tools like 
Pelican and this type of editing usages...), I mean different set of menus 
for different use ?
Personally I think that could be a good way to make the power of Leo to 
really help people without programming skills.

Anyway, I'm beginning scripting around Leo An enjoy it. Thanks to the devs 
for offering that great tool to us python hackers :)

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