On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 12:34 PM, Fidel N <fidelpe...@gmail.com> wrote:

I have been trying to define tree-structures-templates ever since I got
> into Leo. Always trying to create useful-for-more-than-myself templates.
> But the problem is what Terry just said, I often found it very difficult
> to find the "sweet spot", in which they are easy to document and
> understand, and useful to you.
> That can only be solved through experience on what you want, and most of
> the times everyone's needs will be different so I guess that answers to why
> you cant find many Leo files with templates to do cool things with them :P

​Very interesting direction this discussion is taking.

Before offering my two cents, you should be aware that I know very little
about django, python web framework or even sphinx.  I use sphinx in a
stylized way, after creating rST .txt files.

With this caveat, my opinion is that Leo scripts offer the ultimate in
flexibility.  That's a mixed blessing: it's easy to go overboard, as the
code for the rst3 command in leoRst.leo shows.​

Leo scripts are attractive because they have such easy access to both
outline data *and* its structure.  This suggest "driving" the script from
the outline data, which is really what the rst3 command does.  Perhaps you
can devise a simpler way to drive the script from outline data...


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