On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 11:56 AM, Davy Cottet <cottet.d...@gmail.com> wrote:

​> ​
My idea
​ [is] to turn Leo complexity to the most simple but complete Sphinx editor.

That's a great idea.  Leo's rst commands do indeed have way too many hidden
features.  Maybe the set of features used by all of Leo's features is a
largish subset of those features, but if we can do without them so much the

​> ​
it could be possible to build a kind of Leo-Sphinx-template.leo containing
all the needs of a sphinx project, without even modifying Leo's code and
writing a new plugin.

​Interesting idea.  At present, Leo's core rst related code is, of course,
based on reStructuredText, not sphinx.  I have no real opinion about
whether using sphinx as a foundation would simplify things.​

1 - First thing would be to give this template all the file/folder
structure required by Shinx (build,sources, statics, templates, setup.py,

2 - Perhaps use attrib-edit-py to graphically configure conf.py
parameters... otherwise, maybe just link to edit conf.py or maybe a new
directive for every parameter (probably useless...)

3 - Make new menus by introducing right @settings and @commands (and even
delete some default scary ones for newbies and useless for basic Sphinx

For example I though about this kind of simple structure for this

        @menu Sphinx
            @item Configure  (gui edit for conf.py ?) or @item Edit conf.py
and @item Edit conf.py
            @item -
            @menu make
                @item ReST

                @item html
                @item epub
            @menu Open
                @item html
                @item pdf
                @item epub

That seems really easy to call make html or other make commands since it's
always from the root folder.


Seems reasonable.

​> ​
So, I wonder if I'm right thinking of customization with this kind of
sphinx-template.leo (eg not using myLeoSettings.leo and not using plugin

​The best, most stable code is code that doesn't need to be written.  So
I'm all for it :-)​

​> ​
Does Leo users use to share this kind of personal customized .leo file (I'm
aware about security problem...). Are there a lot of Sphinx/Leo users ?

​It's hard to say anything for sure about Leo users because we don't know
what percentage of them contribute to this group.  All I can say is that it
is not common *here* to share .leo files.  However, it would clearly be
possible to add entries to leoSettings.leo, or to put a sphinx-template
file into the leo/config folder.  It would then be conceivable to add
support for a my-sphinx-template file...​

​> ​
Do you think it would be a good idea to build this kind of templates for
us basic needs (we could think about other static blog
ing tools like Pelican and this type of editing usages...), I mean
different set of menus for different use ?
Personally I think that could be a good way to make the power of Leo to
really help people without programming skills.

​Yes, I think it would be a great idea.​

​> ​
Anyway, I'm beginning scripting around Leo An enjoy it. Thanks to the devs
for offering that great tool to us python hackers
​ :)

You're welcome.

Just so the NSA understands (yes, they *are* monitoring this conversation),
I assume that you are using the word "hacker" in the sense that it first
had about 40 years ago, namely a person who like to mess around with the
internals of systems in order to understand it.  Since then, the word
"hacker" has acquired much darker meanings :-)


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