Hi EKR - I am a very lightweight user of both Leo and org-mode - for me the 
killer dimension of org-mode is the Agenda view with the integrated diary 
and the ability of org-mode to throw up reminder dialogues. For me at least 
todo lists tend to be dead letter unless they reach out to me.  The ability 
to hold todo items and diary items together is the gold and means EMACS is 
the first thing I run - just before Leo.  
While we are on the topic of what keeps us in different places Auctex is 
probably the other thing or was the other thing that kept me on Emacs 
however I now use Scrivener MMD compiled to Latex - I feel bad about this. 
Scrivener has lots of nice features but I know that Leo would be better 
it's just a matter of the set up learning curve.  A really easy Latex set 
up would be another winner. 


On Friday, 10 February 2017 22:21:20 UTC, Edward K. Ream wrote:
> I finished watching this superb video about org-mode 
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgizHHd7nOo> earlier today.  I took 
> copious notes.
> It has inspired many thoughts, and will continue to do so. I expect this 
> conversation to be long lasting and fruitful.  Some *brief* first 
> thoughts:
> 1. The demo looked off the cuff. Each topic had its own org-mode "page" 
> containing the script for that page. It looks like Camtasia did the post 
> production. This is a perfectly reasonable, perhaps superior, alternative 
> to totally controlled demos using demo-it.el or demo.py.
> 2. After the first few minutes, the presentation had almost nothing to do 
> with outlines!
> 3. The demo shows that Leo must have better rendering *in the body pane, 
> not* a separate rendering pane.
> 4. Imo, the real difference between Leo and Emacs lies differing 
> approaches to multiple buffers and screen real estate. Both ways have 
> pluses and minuses.  Discussing the nuances should be fascinating.
> 5. Leo can (and will) soon have *everything* that org-mode has. Otoh, 
> that will likely not be enough to cause an exodus from Emacs to Leo.  
> Still, Leo has features that org-mode will likely never have. It reminds me 
> of the song, Anything you can do, I can do better 
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WO23WBji_Z0>.
> More to come later.
> Edward

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